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YouTube Channel
helpful, educational, inspiring & explorative videos for you
I am just branching out into media production, so my channel is brand new.
I have a lot of exciting content planned. Please consider supporting it by subscribing, liking, commenting, & sharing with your loved ones. Thank you!
Hey HUMAN! Let's explore some NARRATIVES! ;)
This channel is your doorway into all things
esoteric, spiritual, psychological, astrological, and profound.
Together, we'll explore which narratives make us happy humans and which ones keep us hostage, trapped in Samsara (ceaseless cycle of suffering & reincarnation).
The goal, through this exploration, is to identify the patterns that helps us evolve and the ones that don't serve us. Shedding objective perspectives on our subjective experiences is an important part of our liberating process, removing the ignorance of Maya -- so that we can see the source of suffering clearly and dispel any despair.
Join us on this profound journey of PRACTICAL SPIRITUALITY, where you learn about the most profound aspect of your psyche and your intrinsic connection to the Divine!
Upcoming YouTube Videos
Video 01
"How & why does Astrology work?"
Showcasing the magic of astrology, its gifts to the world, its effects on the psyche, and how it can help you tangibly improve your life.
Video 02
"What's the difference btw Vedic & Western Astrology?"
Exploring some key differences & similarities between the astrological systems of East & West, pointing out their advantages & disadvantages.
Video 03
"Why do GOOD people suffer?
Understanding how Karma works & what we can do about it...
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