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Practical Planet Combos

Class Description

*This class is one of the Modules in the larger course called "Taking Off With Jyotisha - Intermediate." Immerse yourself in LIVE CLASSES, RECORDED VIDEO TRAININGS, and state of the art PRESENTATIONS. Let the CLEAR & SYSTEMATIC, EXPANSIVE & COMPREHENSIVE instruction permeate your consciousness. YOU WILL LEARN: - Every Possible Planetary Combination (e.g., Saturn-Venus, Mercury-Mars, etc.) - Detailed Psychological & Karmic Indications for the Native - New Ways to Look at the Planets & Their Relationships *NOT including Rahu/Ketu or UR/NE/PL (these are covered in separate courses) *A basic understanding of the fundamental blocks of Vedic Astrology is required to enjoy this course. Those familiar with my teaching style know that I am straightforward & always work to make sure every concept is clear before moving forward. I also put painstaking effort into crafting class materials you will treasure for a lifetime - ensuring that you have fantastic visual aids to remember everything presented in class. LIVE CLASSES: 1ST: Sunday, Oct/8/23 at 11am Eastern 2ND: Saturday, Oct/14/23 at 11am Eastern 3RD: Sunday, Oct/15/23 at 11am Eastern 4TH: Saturday, Oct/21/23 at 11am Eastern *PLEASE NOTE that the exact dates and times of the actual live classes are subject to slight changes - due to possible extensions of some prior class modules. You will be notified of any rescheduling changes, if they occur. *ALL CLASSES ARE RECORDED & CAN BE ACCESSED ANY TIME THROUGH YOUR ACCOUNT.

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