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Taking Off With Jyotisha - (INTERMEDIATE)

Class Description

This course consists of many modules (that were recorded live over many months): - Practical Yogas - Practical Planet Combos - Practical Outer Planets - Dharma Types in the Vedic Chart - Pendulum Swings of Rahu & Ketu - Sexual Trauma in the Vedic Chart - Practical Nakshatras & Drekkanas All classes have unique, high-quality material you will not see anywhere else. My goal is to distill highly complex ancient knowledge & deliver in a relatable format & for immediate practical use. No convoluted or cryptic information. Profound but to-the-point. If you are serious about Vedic Astrology, this is the course for you. For serous students, I am offering this bundle of courses at a HIGHLY DISCOUNTED RATE. I believe it will launch you into the stratosphere of Vedic Astrology interpretation. Immerse yourself in LIVE CLASSES, RECORDED VIDEO TRAININGS, and state of the art PRESENTATIONS. Let the CLEAR & SYSTEMATIC, EXPANSIVE & COMPREHENSIVE instruction permeate your consciousness. *A basic understanding of the fundamental blocks of Vedic Astrology is required to enjoy this course. YOU WILL LEARN: - Working with the Static Potential of the Chart - Establishing the Karmic Baggage of a Person - Determining the Dharma Types & Their Meanings - Planetary Combos - for Psychological Imprints of Behavior - Outer Planets Demystified - Rahu & Ketu through the Houses - Classic Yogas (Special Planetary Combinations) - Nakshatras (Ancient Zodiac Signs) & Yoga Taras - Drekkanas (Sign Decadents) - Upaya (Remedial Measures) - BONUSES & MUCH MORE! Those familiar with my teaching style know that I am straightforward & always work to make sure every concept is clear before moving forward. I also put painstaking effort into crafting class materials you will treasure for a lifetime - ensuring that you have fantastic visual aids to remember everything presented in class. LIVE CLASSES: Saturdays at 12pm Eastern Sundays at 12pm Eastern For as many weeks as needed until we cover all material.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app

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